2022 Crocodile Tour – Lake Kariba
380 kilometres of crocodiles, hippos and headwinds paddling the Crocodile Tour
Every year the Old Legs Tour assemble in Harare from all over the world and pedal somewhere ridiculously far away on their mountain bikes to raise money and awareness for Zimbabwe’s pensioners.
In 2018 they rode to Cape Town via the Kalahari and a town called Hotazel. In 2019 they rode to the top of Kilimanjaro, via Mukumbura and Lake Malawi. In 2020 they rode the Lockdown Tour, from Bulawayo to Bulawayo, via Gonarezhou, the Zambezi Valley, Mana Pools and Hwange National Parks, braving elephants, lions, tsetse flies and the Zambezi Escarpment, more than once. And in 2021, the Old Legs rode the Silverback Tour, from Harare to Uganda’s Impenetrable Forest to walk with the mountain gorillas in the mist.
In May 2022 the Old Legs will swap out their peloton of mountain bikes for a fleet of kayaks as they brave 380 kilometres of crocodiles, hippos and headwinds paddling the Crocodile Tour from Milibizi to the Kariba Dam Wall, even though some of them have arms like typists.
Admiral of the Fleet for the Crocodile Tour will be Andy Louw-Evans, ably assisted by Mark Johnson from Australia, Billy Prentice from the USA, and Pete Musto, Eric de Jong and Andy Walsh from Zimbabwe.
As always, we will paddle to raise money for Zimbabwe’s beleaguered pensioners, left with nothing after 30 years of economic stupidity, and reliant on charity. Please help us help them. Support our cause and follow our adventure on Facebook and www.oldlegstour.com.