The designated meeting point was at a BP Garage where we all gathered for coffee. Pim managed get lost in 600m between his Hotel & the garage, but eventually arrive resplendent in his cheerful Zim colours, bubbling with excitement and a huge smile. Nic (Crash) on the other hand, pitched up early, in a Tuk-Tuk. After photos – the Zwelaton, fully assembled, formed up with flags flying proudly behind us. Although the square was packed with thousands of cyclists, the Zimbabwe Team took centre stage and garnered much attention whilst we waited for our start time.
Adrenaline pumping as we wove our way around garlands of bikes queueing for toilets, coffee, repairs etc., causing a tangle of cyclists amidst the loud music, blaring commentary and excited chatter, we eventually found our start gates.
Starting in a group of thousands inevitably comes at snail pace, but as we thinned out we regrouped and picked up speed.
The route is crammed with spectators cheering us on – bridges and overpasses with banners, bands are playing, corporates and clubs in their colours or fancy dress, dancers and children adding to the carnival atmosphere. South Africans love Zimbabweans and as we pass we get the loudest cheers, which makes us feel so special.
Alastair (the forager) got busy yesterday, while we were at the Yacht Club, organising a pit stop with a feast of delicious sausage rolls, KitKats and orange segments. Thank you Tony & Di, Kerry & Matilda, the best sausage rolls EVER!
Old Legs are not renowned for their racing abilities, possibly because we love our pit stops and in keeping with our goal to come last, disqualifies racing. After the Simonstown coffee stop, we were perilously close to being swept up by the ‘chuck wagon’ and had to put foot to buy ourselves some time. Half way up Suikerbossie we came across Hannah, being pulled up a hill by her powerhouse Grandpa, in her custom built carriage. We lend a hand, taking turns to push the carriage up the hilll. She sailed past us down Llandudno
obviously loving her day on Tour.
From here was mostly downhill to Camps Bay. We were once again blown away by the cheering crowds all the way to the Finish Line. Nic and Hendrick were the first to cross the line, then came the mid pack and finally bringing up the rear, in true OLT style was the Watermeyer pack.
Our mission to come last was a failure, so we made a bee-line for the hospitality tent, where we regained our street creds by singing & jiving to Dan’s tunes and being the last to leave. M’dala’s new slogan ‘BLOOD, SWEAT & BEERS’

Our sincere thanks go to CJ, Rob & Gary, the organisers who made it all happen. Thanks also to the Support Crew Deborah, Linda, Grant, Di, Patricia, Debbie, Trevor & Di… we could not have done it without you.
With 23 in our group, this year was the most successful yet… watch this space for 2025 ![????]()